
[this page is always under construction :) ]


I'm János, a software developer currently in London. I'm into all sorts of things, but they seem to mostly end up in programming and mathematics. These things are so central in my areas of interest that they easily happen to be both my hobby and work.

I have recently grown an interest in data science and machine learning techniques. Actually, it may have started a while ago by now.

Kaggle is a nice place to 'learn by doing' ML, I enjoy spending time with it, may my results be varied though (one key factor is, actually having that time to spend..). I will return to this someday.

Here is my short bio.

Studies here and there

E.g. on Coursera. Whether MOOC will replace classroom education, not sure, but they are a nice addition, even if only as a refresher or warm up.

Here you can find a few things related to my coursework, including some certificates.


I hope my examination of the use of programming languages will prove useful, especially in the data analytics area. Ironically, while it was created in R, it - unsurprisingly, points out that Python appears to be the best first language now.

In my time I try to get myself to work on some personal projects, as well as deepen my Python experience, and study again just a bit more. Recently I was also polishing my hands-on NoSQL (particularly MongoDB) experience/knowledge.

Other than that, my account is mainly hosting stuff created for online course activities, which are still here.

